About Me

Who Are We

You will find the latest information about us on this page. Eternal Wellness Studios is constantly evolving and growing. Providing a wide range of services. Hosting open mic nights for musicians & poets, meditation workshops, dance fitness classes, ghostwriting, and editing services.


My mission is to provide the best solution that helps you and your business. Eternal Wellness Studios is a home for artists of all kinds to come together in community. Stay tuned for the brick & mortar!


If you want to contact us, please submit your email below or in the contact section. Let's build together! Love & Light

Your story is your power

Eternal Wellness Studios

Eternity Echo James

My name is Eternity. I do not fit into one box and I am more than okay with that. Actor, spoken-word artist, author, host, editor, and fashionista (my degree is in fashion). Founder of Eternal Wellness Studios. Here to serve you in the capacity you need. My mission is to ignite a spark inside of you to live your best life.


Creating full-time has always been the vision since childhood. I did not grow up with much wealth; however, I knew making my passions my paycheck would become my reality in adulthood. The arts and writing allowed me to heal from past pain, reflect and become the woman I am today. Thankful to be in a place to be fully present.

"It's not about the destination, but the journey."